Wednesday, December 30, 2009












Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Life !

Once upon a time, there was a king. The king liked one of his followers very much because he was very wise and always gave very useful advice. Therefore the king took him along wherever he went.

One day, the king was bitten by a dog, the finger was injured and the wound was getting worse. He asked the follower if that was a bad sign. The follower said, Good or bad, hard to say'. In the end, the finger of the king was too bad that had to be cut. The king asked the follower again if that was a bad sign. Again, the follower gave the same answer, 'Good or bad, hard to say'. The king became very angry and sent the follower to prison.

One day, the king went hunting in the jungle. He got excited when he was on the chase of a deer. Deeper and deeper he went inside the jungle. In the end he found himself lost in the jungle. To make thing worse, he got captured by the native people lived inside the jungle. They wanted to sacrifice him to their god. But when they noticed that the king had one finger short, they released him immediately as he was not a perfect man anymore and not suitable for sacrifice.

The king managed to get back to his palace after all. And he finally understood the follower's wise quote, 'Good or bad, hard to say'. If he hadn't lost one finger,he could have been killed by the native people.

He ordered to release the follower, and apologized to him. But to the king amaze, the follower was not mad at him at all. Instead, the follower said, 'It wasn't a bad thing that you locked me up.' Why? Because if the king hadn't locked the follower up, he would have brought the follower along to the jungle. If the native found that the king was not suitable, they would have used the follower. Again, the quote 'Good or bad, hard to say' stands.

The moral of the story:
Everything that happens in this world, there is no absolute good or bad. Sometimes good things turned out to be bad things eventually, while bad things become a gain.
Whatever good things that happen to you, enjoy it, but don't have to hold too tight to it, treat it as a surprise in your life.Whatever bad things that happen to you, don't have to feel too sad or despair, in the end, it might not be a total bad thing after all.
If one can understand this, he or she will find life much easier.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

GOBO Chit-Chat Meet and Eat @ Trader Hotel KL

2009 年即将结束的前几天,托妹妹的福,拿了折扣卷来了这间酒店享用 Buffet,蛮贵下的,扣除折扣卷的 RM50,一个人还要多付 RM20++。。。。



中西餐 Corner

选择不多的 Shashimi & Sushi Corner

Desert Corner

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sarawak 面之 Kampua

Kampua 既 ‘福州话 ‘干捞’的意思,是 东马Sarawak 中区(诗巫,加帛,民都鲁)一带华裔所喜爱的早餐面食之一。

面条大多数是自己私家制作,个人就觉得口感好过西马的云吞面,吃法对一班西马人来说就有点复杂。。嘿嘿。。。总的来说,有以下的 Combination .. :P

面呢,通常有细面 /扁面,而你可以要求

白色的面 - 生抽
黑色的面 - 黑酱油老抽/ 黑酱油老抽 + 辣椒酱
红色的面 - 辣椒酱

云吞 (Pian Nik)/ 加料 通常是小鱼圆,吊片,猪肉圆, 等等 / 猪肝 / Sarawak Laksa 汤 / Sarawak Laksa加以上的配料

十几年前,想在西马 KL 吃一碗 Kampua, 还真不容易,对以不住在 Sunway 一带的‘想吃 Kampua 的人‘ 来说 还必须山长水远的跋涉到 Sunway 的明天茶餐室享用,而且,没得选择,就只有白色的,原因不详,我想是不要顾客混淆吧,黑色的跟西马的云吞面,不注意看还真分不出。。然而,近年来,各大茶餐室或小食中心都可吃到,虽然质素良莠不齐,但至少有一两摊是‘可吃’的。。。以下是几个在雪隆一带的 ‘Kampua 点‘

Bandar Sunway 明天茶餐室
Bandar Puchong Jaya 随缘茶餐室
Bandar Puteri Strawberry 茶餐室
Sri Kembangan,
Equine Park 大家乐茶餐室

Bandar Puteri Strawberry 茶餐室,比较道地的口味。。

Kampua 扁面酱油辣椒 (道地的 kampua, 肉是红肉,而非叉烧肉或肉碎)

Sarawak 云吞 (Pian Nik) 干捞式

Sri Kembangan, Equine Park 大家乐茶餐室

Monday, December 7, 2009

2009 Bakuc Malaysia

模型界的年度大事,今年忘了带相机,只好在 Internet 偷些照片。。。 :P 。。。 今年的水准蛮高 678 下的。。。

参赛作品 #1

参赛作品 #2

参赛作品 #3

参赛作品 #4

参赛作品 #5

参赛作品 #6

龙珠居然出有模型了而且还是 MG 呢。。。

还有 Cosplay TIM ! 质素呢。。就见仁见智啦。。。。 :D